Dear members,
As of 25th of May 2020 the Bongerd and the Grondleggers are restarting the trainings. The trainings will start at the usual time but will most likely end sooner.
Judo: 20:00-21:00
Boxing: 20:00-21:00
Kickboxing: 20:30-21:30
Boxing: 17:00-18:00
Kickboxing: 2030-21:30
Since we expect the groups to be relatively small we would like to create a new chat group for each discipline. This way we can have an estimate of how many people to expect and as a way to keep you all up to date.
In order to stay in line with the rules set by the government we except you to follow and take into accpunt the following rules:
1) A distance of 1.5 meters is maintained at all times.
2) You will only enter the site of the Bongerd at the designated times.
3) You will not introduce new people, unless they are already living with you.
4) Avoid public transport.
5) Do NOT show up earlier than 10 minutes before the training commences.
6) Stay at home if you experience any of the following symptoms: Fever (above 38 Celsius), running nose, have a cold (or experience symptoms of it), light couching (or any couching at all).
7) If any of your current housemates are sick or are showing symptoms similar to shortness of breath or fever than you should stay at home as well.
8) Do not shake hands
9) follow the rules set by the Bonged personnel, trainer, and if present, by the assistant trainer
10) the use of the toilet in the sports centre is not allowed, unless clearance has been given by the Bongerd personnel.
11) park the bike at the designated spot.
12) leave the sports centre after training is done. (showers are of course of limits).